Joy the Baker Cookbook by Joy Wilson
Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber
If I could make pretty much everyone I know read this book I think I would. Schreiber was diagnosed with a brain tumor while conducting his own research on brain functioning and doing CT scans. He was then diagnosed again with a reoccurance 7 years later. At that point he realized he could not keep living the way he was an survive much longer. He "changed his terrain". He brings up how Western medicine is best for curing short term problems but there is so much more that needs to change with someone faces a chronic problem, such as cancer or heart disease. It's about both treating and preventing cancer, because like he says "everyone has cancerous cells in their body but not everyone gets cancer." One of the first things he says is to go ahead and do conventional treatment but also do anything else you can for your own health. He writes a summary of all the research he did regarding cancer treatment and prevention. He gives lists of foods to eat to help prevent cancer, advises on decreasing anxiety and meditating, keeping active and decreasing your exposure to cancer-causing environmental agents. I really recommend this.