This past Sunday Seth and I signed the lease on our home for (at least) the next year. I am smitten. Thankfully the first house we put our deposit on fell through (and by fell through I mean the people took 2 deposits first without telling us). After some disappointment and some Craigstlist searching I found our new place! Thankfully, Seth trusted me enough to put the deposit down before he saw it. It is a perfect 2 bedroom, 1 bath house in the middle of town. We've got a back porch and a nice backyard to boot.
I spent the morning perusing the aisles of Sam's Club buying large quantities of home goods to set up house. Lets just say we now have enough toilet paper and trash bags to last us at least a few months. We're good to go.
My amazing fiance is currently loading up a trailer with our furniture back in AZ. He'll be back next week so we can set up house before heading home for the wedding. As soon as I upload the new photos of the house I'll post some real pictures so you can fall in love with it too.
Photo source (http://blog.toiletpaperworld.com/tag/toiletpaperworld-com/)