True confessions: I wish I was starting college agian. Probably not freshman year, but more like sophmore or junior year. I'm pining for the new fatty syllabi, the crowds of people, and the excuses to ditch doing responsible things and hang out with my friends. This blog is an ode to things I've missed.
1) I miss the new first week of the school year when you end up with about 90 new facebook friends. 94% of which you will never talk to again. Who doesn't love the new requests from the random kid you met through your roommate at a party thrown by your old dorm mates?
2) I miss my highlighted planner. The syllabi and club events provided endless excuses to not pay attention to any of my classes and write in all my tests and papers and then highlight accordingly.
3) I miss pizookie nights with my roommates. Enough said.
4) I miss learning! It's really hard to find motivation to do research and such when it's not part of your degree. And without the motivation of clinical prep I the giant stacks of new textbooks that I could use do weight lifting exercises do not get used.
5) I miss the lack of real responsibility. Honestly, dealing with my own health insurance is not my favorite thing.