God has blessed me with some pretty fantastic men in my life. Today happens to be the day we celebrate one of them. Clearly, he deserves a lot of celebrating. Because if you look that cool backpacking in the 70's then you must be even cooler now. He is. Here's why:
He loves to party. He will always be up for dinner with friends, games after dinner or an afternoon swim.
He is adventurous. He's been all over the world, still does backpacking trips in Glacier and does crazy things like summersaults across the finish lines for half marathons.
The man really appreciates good meals and coffee. I'll never forget the time we splurged on dinner at The Tavern on the Green simply because "we eat our memories."

He loves my mom. I have never seen a man more dedicated to loving his wife. He brings her cake at work on her birthday, washes the windows and can throw together a wonderful meal in no time.
He loves Jesus. A lot. He seeks to serve him through loving his family, reaching the unreached and spending time with him. This has impacted me more than any other awesome factor about my dad and for that I am so grateful.
So Dad, here's to you on your day. Wish I was with you to buy you an iced Americano with real caramel sauce, not syrup, go on a hike through the park and then make you something delicious. But, since I'm not, the promise of doing that next year at the cabin will have to be enough. I love you!