I had a revelation the other day. I am averse to crafts which take more than 5 minutes to make. Five minutes may be a little bit of an under exaggeration, but not by much. To give you an idea, I thought I'd highlight my latest craft projects for you.
Stocking Ornament
tutorial from Bundles of Love
Embarrassing confession, this was supposed to be a baby bootie, but clearly that wouldn't work. And it took me like 45 minutes, because I had to rip out a bunch of it half way through. Good thing I didn't have to make a second one because that would have way surpassed my time limit.
tutorial from Bundles of Love
Embarrassing confession, this was supposed to be a baby bootie, but clearly that wouldn't work. And it took me like 45 minutes, because I had to rip out a bunch of it half way through. Good thing I didn't have to make a second one because that would have way surpassed my time limit.

Inspiration from this Pinterest picture (note that I just didn't even bother spray painting it)
My grandma gave me the wreath, I bought the K at Michael's for $2.99, and proceeded to hot glue the eucalyptus, berries and letter on. That fiasco took several tries. Then I tied on the bow. DONE. Total time: probably 13 minutes
My grandma gave me the wreath, I bought the K at Michael's for $2.99, and proceeded to hot glue the eucalyptus, berries and letter on. That fiasco took several tries. Then I tied on the bow. DONE. Total time: probably 13 minutes

Button Wreath Ornament
tutorial from Martha.
This is actually pretty special because I made one for my mom, my sister and I from the buttons my grandma had. (Surprise, Trish!) This one took about half an hour, but I was watching 30 Rock and the button sorting took the longest. And when I dropped all the buttons of the wire...
tutorial from Martha.
This is actually pretty special because I made one for my mom, my sister and I from the buttons my grandma had. (Surprise, Trish!) This one took about half an hour, but I was watching 30 Rock and the button sorting took the longest. And when I dropped all the buttons of the wire...