Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
O Christmas Tree
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Only the atypical

Saturday, November 22, 2008
confessions of an eavesdropper
Friday, November 14, 2008
Embracing Arizona
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
just a bit nerdy...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
this and that
Monday, October 13, 2008
I realized the other day that my favorite feeling in the world is contentment. A combination of happiness, peacefullness, joy, basically all the good feelings in the world combined in one little package of emotion.
“Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty” Socrates
Thursday, October 9, 2008
vacation, then and now.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
catching up on life
Friday, September 26, 2008
new found (music) love

In honor of a totally hectic week, I have decided to write a totally pointless blog post about my new found (music) love, Bob Marley.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
it's just not fair
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Birthday Presents
You may be thinking to yourself....Angela, your birthday was two months ago. Why are you writing about birthday presents?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
a day in the life of a nursing student
Monday, August 25, 2008
Blown Away
I am constantly blown away by God. The stuff He does for me, or in spite of me, is incredible.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Things to do when you're bored
- Buff your cat
- Paint your house Day-Glo Orange
- Go back to square one
- Develop a complex
- Go to a drive in movie in a tank
- See how small you can scrunch your face
- Clean and polish your bellybutton
- Set your Christmas tree up
- Teach your pet rock to play dead
- Moo
- Embarrass yourself
- Do aerobic exercise...in your head
Thursday, August 14, 2008
i survived...
Monday, August 4, 2008
I'm off...again!
It happens to be a place with quite a bit of family attachment. My parents honeymooned there, my sister and brother-in-law met there, and we spent pretty much every summer vacation there when we lived in Minnesota. I've fallen in ice cold lakes, gotten countless blisters, eating the best pie in the world, and spent many memorable birthdays there. This time I'll be backpacking for the first time there. Let's all hope I don't do something embarrassing like break my leg or get eaten by bears...
I'll be back to the world of computers and cell phones in about a week, so until then I'll leave you with this breath-taking view.
Sunday, July 27, 2008

I really like looking up places that I want to travel. It's kind of a hobby of mine. I just google the names of random places, things to do in these places, how much plane tickets are. It's really unhealthy of me actually because it makes me want to drop out of school, quit reality and spend all my money. Nevertheless, here is a list of the top 5 places I want to go:
Friday, July 25, 2008
Crafts, anyone?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A question I've had for a long time
So, you've heard of Naked juice right? They boast the use of "naked fruits" with no sugar, no preservatives, no anticoagulative agents, no cardboard added. Well, I've had a question that has long plagued my mind that I need your help with.
Monday, July 14, 2008
A new favorite
Friday, July 11, 2008
I'm Famous.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
A Capitol Fourth
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Airport observations

As I sit here, at a gate not far from mine, I have carefully thought out some facts about airports. Here is what I have realized:

Monday, June 23, 2008
Some Stuff I've Learned
-your friends care, so you should probably talk to them about what's going on with you instead of ignoring whatever is going inside
-cooking can be fun
-if God tells you to do it, just do it, right then. don't wait
-you can hear into my roommate's room through the vent in my room
-i love yoga
-a clean room keeps me sane
-nursing is definitely the right profession for me
-praying helps
-you need boundaries in your life sometimes
-i need 8 hours of sleep to be a normal and functioning person
-parents are cool to hang out with and talk to
-thinking about lessons you've learned and reflecting on what God has done are great to do on a regular basis
-honesty is the best policy
-i am good enough!
-vomiting and taking off my clothes is good for me (i mean this in the context of being open and putting out all your junk with a group of amazing girls...haha)
-learning about yourself is great, whether its through talking to your roommates about the future, taking personality tests online, or just a little self-examintation.
-even I need some time alone once in awhile
-laughing with the people you love is more important than most other things you can do
-i love Rock Band
-I am blessed. And using your life to bless others is one of the best things you can spend your time doing.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
An Ode To My Dad

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
childhood car games

- the 50 states license plate game - fairy self-explanatory. you made a list of the 50 states and tried to find a license plate (or two) from each state. If you got Alaska you were pretty much guaranteed a win, if you saw Hawaii you were dubbed "best ever" for the rest of the trip and no matter what else happened on vacation you were on cloud 9.
- draw every toy you own game: this wasn't so much a game as it was me drawing everything i brought with me on vacation with a color pencil in a tiny notebook. i have many detailed drawings of my cabbage patch doll
- see which sibling can push the cooler in the middle seat further game: this was a challenging game because you had to play without the parents knowing you were playing...typically the loser was the one who fell asleep first and couldn't hold their own.
- drown out mom and dad's audio book with your discman game: i listened to 100% Dance so loud I probably caused long-term ear damage in order to drown out the latest John Grisham book in 8th grade.
- yarn octopus game: this is only entertaining for about 8 and a half minutes. you wind yarn endlessly around the biggest book you happen to have in the car. die like 18 different strands of yarn around it in various places and...ta da!...you have a yarn octopus.
- 20 questions (with dad's impossible items) game: 20 questions was only fun as a child until my dad got to pick an item. Then it was torture. he would just find the most obscure item in the car and then it would take us about 83 questions to realize that he had picked his right sock.
- read a book until you vomit game: I always won at this one. Particularly on the windy roads of Glacier National Park while wearing a turtleneck sweater.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My new favorite thing
Monday, June 9, 2008
It's written by Gretchen Rubin, an author currently doing research for her next book on...well...happiness. She's tested out theories and methods for being happy. She has happiness goals and projects going all the time. I don't agree with everything she's written but there are definitely interesting posts. Take a look :)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
packing up

Thursday, April 24, 2008
i am from
I am from guinea pigs, the upright piano and Grandma’s perfume.
I am from the red brick, green carpet and wood panel walls
I am from the big evergreen tree out front, the blue and white hammock and rhubarb.
I am from baking chocolate chip cookies with dad on Fridays after school and cereal every morning, from Grandpa Roy and Grandma Louise and Trisha Louise and Sophia.
I am from the love and tradition that only a family can instill
From “pay your bills” and “thank you for smoking,” candy corn from Grandma’s car and Grandpa’s box of old toys in the closet.
I am from three legged races during Awana games, felt Jesus cutouts on the green board and running around the halls of church with the other pastor’s kids.
I'm from Warren, Minnesota and the big wooden park by the house, Kuchen on Christmas morning, corn on the cob in the summer and honey sticks at the farmer’s market.
From the ten-mile hike to Iceberg Lake and from the tennis games and pastel Easter M & Ms before I was late for the bus, and Saturday morning cartoons with a bowl of cereal.
I am from the shelf in mom and dad’s bedroom, the ocean picture Trisha painted and mom’s Bible on the coffee table.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
"ESTJs are very enthusiastic people who are driven to fulfill their obligations and duties, especially those towards their families. Their priorities generally put God first, family second, and friends third. They put forth a tremendous amount of effort to meet their obligations and duties, according to their priorities. They are dedicated and committed to their relationships, which they consider to be lifelong and unalterable. They like to be in charge, and may be very controlling of their mates and children. They have high esteem for traditions and institutions, and expect that their mates and children will support these as well. They have little patience and need for dealing with people who see things very differently from the ESTJ."
That is the summary of my personality, which is pretty (creepily) accurate. There's also a link to jobs I should have and how I am in relationships. It told me I could be a judge...looks like I should drop out of nursing school and go into law... ha.
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008
instead of going to bed...
go there...you won't regret it, unless of course you actually have something you should be doing right now instead of putting your memories to lots of catchy songs in video format.
Here is the link to one video I made of my family hiking in Lost Dutchman State Park two weeks ago: http://animoto.com/play/comRuGS3AExIJNsp9cd0fA
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Well, I bought my macbook about a month ago and am getting to use it a lot this week, it's been great - but the computer still needs a name.
I've been color correcting for the photographer I worked for in high school, and off and on since then ~ check out her site...she's amazing. (www.kimberlyjarman.com)
Also, since it's spring break I've finally been getting rest and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I've layed out by the pool, watched new movies, done some work, and have started reading The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson (working on one of my goals on the list!) This book is typical of Byrson's in the fact that it's very funny and I highly recommend it.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
101 in 1001
I started writing mine awhile ago, a year ago now. And constantly update it becuase I can't come up with 101 things. But here is my list in progress.
1. Spend consistent time with God (in progress, spring, sophomore year)
2. Go to Kenya (completed July 2007)
3. Visit 11 new states I’ve never been to (Oregon, 2/07; Maryland 12/07; DC 12/07; Rhode Island 12/08; Pennsylvania 7/08)
4. Go on a cruise (March 2007)
5. Work out more consistently (in progress)
6. learn to be better at conversations
7. read 3 classic novels
8. Decorate my next room (September 2007)
9. Strike up conversations with strangers randomly
10. Save money
11. Drink more tea
12. Be more honest/direct with people
13. Make and finish “movies to watch list”
14. Get into the college of nursing (July 2007)
15. Keep a 3.75 (in progress)
16. Work for Mayo Clinic (summer after junior year) - this may be modified
17. Learn an artsy thing, i.e. knitting (December, 2007, knitting)
18. Buy a nice camera (October 2007)
19. Encourage other people
20. Do more random acts of kindness (woman, groceries: October 2007)
21. Pray more
22. Stay in contact with friends (valentines cards ’08)
23. Write cards not e-mails
24. Eat more fruits and veggies (ongoing, October)
25. learn to cook!
26. take ballroom dance lessons
27. study more in coffee shops
28. accessorize more
29. Hike (Lost Dutchman State Park, Montana)
30. Learn to salsa
31. Skydive (with my dad)
32. Try more ethnic foods! (Ethiopian, Indian!)
33. Memorize more scripture
34. Be more positive
35. Drink more water each day
36. Take a pottery class
37. Read Bill Byrson’s books (Memiors of a Thunderbolt Kid, A Short History of Nearly Everything...)
38. Travel to Greece
39. Visit 5 European countries
40. Scrapbook old family pictures
41. Visit my sister wherever she lives (Baltimore, December 2008)
42. Live in Baltimore for a summer (July 08)
43. Go to the East Coast with Nate
44. Go back to Glacier with my parents (August 08)
45. go to more concerts (Ryanhood, Merimec Iron, John Mayer)
46. Find a church in Tucson
47. Teach/Volunteer in a Sunday School class
48. Visit Jana in Mississippi
49. Road Trip with Lauren
50. Go to California with friends from school
51. Eat at a new restaurant every 3 months (October 2007 – India Oven, December – Baltimore places, February 2008 – Baggins, Asian Sandwich deli, Panera - July)
52. Try a new recipe once a month
53. Give friends meaningful presents on their birthdays
54. Call instead of text whenever possible
55. Have a plant in my condo
56. Take my parents canoe out
57. Get a car
58. Journal consistently
59. Have meaningful conversations
60. Go to Sweden with my mom
61. Keep studying Spanish
62. Have another language partner
63. Go without dessert for a month (Sept/Oct 2007)
64. Do crunches everyday for 2 months
65. Find a way to use my favorite quotes (scrapbooking cards, posters)
66. Go 3 months without buying new clothes (started 11/1/07)
67. Write Syengo a letter (March 08)
68. Do a noise fast (Feb. 08)
69. Knit my sister a scarf
70. Try yoga (February 08)
71. start color correcting (April 08)
72. Road trip to Austin, TX!
73. Backpack (August 08)
Ok - now I need 30 more ideas....
Friday, February 8, 2008
A really good gift for your Valentine
"Choose from
a sewing machine for a Dalit woman,
vaccines for Dalit children,
training for a Dalit Education Center teacher,
tools for a Community Healthcare Worker
and many more options!"
This organization called the Dalit Freedom Network advocates for the Dalits (those lowest in the social caste system) in India. http://www.dalitnetwork.org/go?/dfn/resources/C128/
The gifts range in price from $15 to thousands of dollars...so I'm sure there is something to fit in your price range :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
a little reflection
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
blood pressure and coffee
First - I can now take your blood pressure. That's what 6 hours of clinicals will do for ya.
Second - check out this cool website I found in an e-mail I got http://www.963coffee.com/default.aspx Coffee that tastes good and provides a fair wage for the farmers in poverty-striken countries. Also, you can use this coffee to fund raise for groups going on missions trips and such. I know what I'll be getting my dad for Christmas...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
i love sisters
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
new projects :)
I have taken up knitting. So far, I have started a really cute brown scarf that I just bought more yarn for. Also, I am knitting squares for a blanket I want to make. So, as you can see I am doing really basic stuff, but I am enjoying it and looking forward to getting better! Any help with links to cool knitting sites would be great :) I also want to put up pictures as soon as I upload my pictures to my computer.
Also, I spent a large chunk of today making more cards. This is something my friend got me into that I really enjoy right now. My sister got me a card kit for Christmas and today was the perfect day to put it to use :) now I can't wait to send out some snail mail!