I spent the last couple days in Seattle. Which i love.
Seriously, I've fantasized about Seattle for the last two years. I kind of expected to be disappointed after building it up in my mind so much. I was far from it. What's not to love about kayaks for rent, African Dance classes, the Space needle, community gardens, non-profit coffee shops, sun (at least while I was there) and good food? While I sat in bed Saturday night I just reflected on the day and noted how I really felt home in Seattle.
My minimal time there revealed that it is full of lovely people, breath-taking views, and exciting possibilities. I was a little, okay a lot, depressed to have to leave what I grew to love in about two days.
Going back to school for a year is going to be a little rough. I know it's where I am in life and I need to be in that part of my life, but at least I have WA to look forward to now.
Went to Seattle once when I was like 12. Have wanted to go back ever since.
Jeff, since I'll be living there you will always have a free place to stay :)
I'm so excited that you loved it. I do really wish we could experience it together! I love it up there so much.
Gosh, you would think you already have a job lined up there or something with how certain you are of your future home. ;)
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