-Clean/organize our outrageous house. There is currently a stack of empty Crate and Barrel boxes the size of Kilamanjaro that needs to be taken to the recycling place, my clothes are somewhat organized, and almost every thing in the kitchen has a home. Lets not talk about the extra bedroom or the pile of papers that needs to be filed, or the dirty floors...
-Watch lots of 30 Rock on Netflix with my sister-in-law.
-Run errands because really the pile of things that needed to be returned to Target was a little big.
-Thank you cards!
-Trying to meal plan so when I grocery shop I don't go out of control...
-Work. Thankfully I got put on call on Thursday so I had time off. But I'm back for 3 in a row on Sunday. At least it'll make time go fast til the husband comes home!
Because I don't like naked posts, here is a photografia of us from our honeymoon!
returning stuff to target is such a pain in the butt, because we didn't have the receipts for a lot of things. they only let you return up to a certain dollar amount of things per person/driver's license per CALENDAR YEAR. what the heck. so if you have stuff without receipts bring a buddy with their ID. also know, that we have been unable to return or exchange anything without receipts for the entire year because of the stuff we took back in january. i'm still kind of irritated at target.
dude, I have heard horror stories however, they have this new thing called a "purchase log" for a registry so basically anything on that you don't need a receipt for and you dont have to do the drivers license thing. I was impressed
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